Computer Science at the University of Wuppertal

Contact us

If you have any further questions about the informatics programs, please feel free to contact any of the people listed here:

Program Advisor

Dr. Holger Arndt

School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Room: Campus Grifflenberg, G.14.16
Phone: 0202 439 2033
Mail: arndt[at]
Office hours: by arrangement

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Tutsch

School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering
oom: Campus Freudenberg, FC.02.13
Phone: 0202 439 1945
Mail: tutsch[at]
Office hours: by arrangement

Chairman of the examination board

Prof. Dr. Matthias Bolten

School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Room: Campus Grifflenberg, G.15.23
Phone: 0202 439 3060
Mail: bolten[at]
Office hours: by arrangement